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Yodelling Brass
Yodelling Brass
MNOZIL BRASS | Wilhelm (William) Tell Overture
If I Could Only Learn To Yodel - with Sourdough Slim and Robert Armstrong
Chiemgauer Buam - Schuhplattler (Holzhacker) - 1981
DJ Antoine "Ma Chérie" Jodel
Let’s listen to the yodeling of Hiromichi Kawakami and Alpen Brass Cappelle|2010
More German Beer-Drinking Music - 09 Trompeten-Jodler (Trumpet Yodel) - The Hofbrauhaus Musicians
Wildrose Yodel Club, Alberta (CAN) - The Wildrose Yodellers
Yodeling Tony Zgraggen New Glarus June 2
Philadelphia German Brass Band - Jodler Medley