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new headphones :D
The Long Hard Road Back to Champs
I took 3 years to pay off a Ð4,000,000 Dogecoin loan! 🪙 - FS22: SwCoHC | 39
Tianhe CBD actually hides a 30-year-old Cantonese food stall?
Why are these stones so heavy ... so ... many ... stones! | FS22: SwCoHC | 54
(4K) I Spent 24.6 Hours Terraforming Mars, only 20 years to complete the mission! 🚀Farmers In Space!
Spent all day mowing, plowing and planting some grass so we can mow again - FS22: SwCoHC | 20th Day
Pigs In Space! And yes that was the inspiration | 🚀Farmers In Space! #fs22 #mars #farmsim
No money and a dream! How many years will it take? - FS22: Hardcore Start with Chainsaw ONLY Day1 P1
We begin our Iron Mining career ... our very lonely career | FS22: SwCoHC: 65
Making so much Ð ... but this crane! So Frustrating! - FS22: Hardcore Start with Chainsaw ONLY Day 8
WOW! We're planting so many trees. (Two episodes in one 4-5.) 🚀Farmers In Space! #fs22 #mars