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Ge Wang: Smule
A Day at the Smule HQ
Keynote Speaker: Ge Wang, founder and CTO of SMULE
Dr. Ge Wang - Smule
Smule | Ge Wang featured on CNBC
WWDC Interview With Smule Co-Founder Ge Wang
Apple WWDC09 Dr. Ge Wang From Smule
05 FLATS2013 Lunch And Presentation by Ge Wang from Smule
TEDxSanJoseCA - Ge Wang - Exploring New Ways to Connect People through Music
Smule's Ge Wang playing Magic Guitar at CES 2012
CES 2011 - Kids@Play Dueling Keynotes - Ge Wang of Smule, 3 of 3
2012 KAPi Award - Emerging Pioneer - Ge Wang, Co-founder & Chief Creative Officer, Smule