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CPB Lecture 2015
CPB Lecture 2016
Rob Griffiths Speaking at The S. O. Davies Memorial Lecture 2015
USCG Air Station Los Angeles Lecture
S O Davies Memorial Lecture 2015 Part 2
Tumors of the Inferior Vena Cava and their Surgical Management
Coronary Artery Bypass (Mahesh Ramchandani, MD)
A New Approach to Increase Trade and Security: An Examination of CBP’s Public Private Partnerships
[Keynote Lecture] Sutureless aortic valve replacement
2015 Shumway Lecture: Bruce Reitz and R. Scott Mitchell Celebration - Part 1
CPB reading at the International Conference on planning of the MRA
There are two distinct circulatory systems and how they can be asynchronous. Microcirculation on CPB